Hello loves!

The absolutely wonderful Kerri tagged me in this awesome book tag. I absolutely adore Beauty and the Beast as a Disney movie and Belle is my favourite Disney princess, because I always seem to identify with her. I mean she loves books, I love books, she had brown hair, I have brown hair plus our personalities are also faulty similar.

If course I grew up watching the animated version, which includes the absolute tune that is Human Again something I will never forgive the live action version for cutting out. However, now we have the live action version with Emma Watson and Dan Stevens, plus Josh Gad and Luke Evans, I watch that although this tag might inspire me to watch the old animated version now.


  1. link back to the original creator (Kirsty @ Kirsty and the Cat Read) and the blog you first saw this post (which was Kerri’s! Tagged above).
  2. Answer all the prompts.
  3. Tag at least 5 other bloggers.
  4. Have fun!


Tale as old as time – a popular theme, trope, or setting you will never get bored of.

There are way too many tropes that I love but my absolutely favourite is mythology retellings!

I mean, would there be any other trope that could be my favourite it would be this one wouldn’t it. I will also add fairytales retellings to this. Honestly, any book that is marketed as a retelling has me instantly intrigued.

Belle – a book you bought merely for the cover that is just as beautiful on the inside.

The Familiars, Stacey Halls.

This cover is absolutely stunning and the story inside is as well. A book all about the Pendle witch trials and women in a historical setting is always going to be good.

Gaston – a book that everyone loves but you don’t.

I can’t think of one that I don’t love. Maybe ACOTAR but only because I outgrew the series.

Please don’t come for me guys, I just don’t feel like I’m at the right age to appreciate it anymore. Sorry …

Lefou – a loyal sidekick that you can’t help fall in love with more than their counterpart.

I’m going to use the same answer as Kerri but that’s because I agree! Samwise is the most precious companion that deserves the absolute world.

He sticks by Frodo through everything and for that alone he deserves a freaking award, plus I am partly convinces that Sam and Frodo would make the best couple if he didn’t go off to marry some female hobbit. I mean, if you watch the movie then you know what I mean.

Miss Potts, Lumiere, Chip and Cogsworth – a book that helped you through a difficult time or taught you something valuable.

I’m not sure about this one either because there hasn’t been a book that helped em through a tough time or taught me something valuable that I can think of off the top of my head. Sorry loves!

Something there – a book or series you weren’t into at first but picked up towards the end.

Children of Blood and Bone, Tomi Adeyami.

I found it hard to get into this but after a while I did really get into it after a little bit. I still need to read the sequel, but I’ll try to get to it ASAP.

Be our guest – a fictional character that you’d love to have over for dinner.

All of them? I joke but seriously can that be possible?

Most likely Hermione or Belle because I adore them so much and think that we could have a really cool and intellectual conversation. I would also ask Belle if I could use her library because it is stunning and my dream to have one like hers one day.








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I am not currently taking on any more requests for reviews, but if you want to contact me you can do so at shelvesofstarlight@gmail.com.

6 responses to “Beauty and the Beast, tag”

  1. Jenny (jenjenreviews) avatar

    I’m trying to imagine every book character coming for dinner and the hot mess that would be lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Shelves of Starlight avatar

      it would be a disaster lol

      Liked by 1 person

  2. kerrimcbooknerd avatar

    I loved your answers, Livy! Isn’t Sam just the best? I totally agree that Frodo and Sam would have been an adorable couple, even if Frodo doesn’t deserve Sam 😤😂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Shelves of Starlight avatar

      Sam is simply too pure for this world

      Liked by 1 person

  3. cherelle @ a bolt out of the book avatar

    Oooh nice answers Livy (helllo! I just found your blog 😄)… I definitely agree, retellings are a great trope, it’s really interesting to see everyone’s take on common stories and is so easy to be mindblown!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Shelves of Starlight avatar

      Hello! Thank you so much x

      Liked by 1 person

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