Hello again loves!

My second post today is a follow up to my previous post for The Write Reads blog tour of the Stranded, shining a spotlight on the first book of the duopoly.

I had wanted to read this for ages and this blog tour gave me the perfect opportunity to do so!


Welcome to the Arcadia.

Once a luxurious cruise ship, it became a refugee camp after being driven from Europe by an apocalyptic war. Now it floats near the coastline of the Federated States – a leftover piece of a fractured USA.

For forty years, residents of the Arcadia have been prohibited from making landfall. It is a world of extreme haves and have nots, gangs and make-shift shelters.

Esther is a loyal citizen, working flat-out to have the rare chance to live a normal life as a medic on dry land. Nik is a rebel, planning something big to liberate the Arcadia once and for all.

When events throw them both together, their lives, and the lives of everyone on the ship, will change forever . . .

My rating

Book info

Genre: Fantasy, YA, Sci Fi

Length: 448 Pages

Publisher: Penguin

Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Audible-The-Stranded/dp/B09W6CGYYH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1QJ23NX01KAVM&keywords=the+stranded+sarah+daniels&qid=1689785041&sprefix=the+stranded+%2Caps%2C112&sr=8-1Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/62329216-the-stranded?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=lygZGv97J9&rank=1

Author bio

Sarah Daniels is an ex-archaeologist who escaped academia and now writes stories from her home in rural Lincolnshire. Her work has been published in various online magazines and has been nominated for best British and Irish Flash Fiction and Best Small Fictions. 

If you want to contact her, you can do so at the following locations:

Website:  http://www.sarahdanielsbooks.com

Instagram: @sarahdanielsbooks
TikTok: @sarahdanielsbooks
Twitter: @sarahdanbooks


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